Tagged With "Diana Wong"
Blog Post
New Connect Extension Podcast Episodes
The Extension Foundation has had the pleasure of hosting a number of outstanding individuals across Cooperative Extension for our Connect Extension podcast. The Connect Extension Podcast is available in most places podcasts are available. Here is a listing of some of our more recent episodes: Episode 16: Navigating the Grocey Store Aisle: Understanding Food Marketing Labels In this episode, we connect with Stacey Stearns from the University of Connecticut Extension on a project she is...
Christopher Wong
Blog Post
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." -Maya Angelou Did You Know: The U.S. is the only country that has dual identity in its mythological heroes. Superman & Clark Kent; Batman & Bruce Wayne; Wonder Woman & Diana Prince; Spiderman & Peter Parker... These powerful stories (and yours) turn "tacit" information into "explicit" information making it accessible for others. Stories pass down knowledge, inspire us to act & connect with the essence of...
Blog Post
Extension Foundation 2021 End of Year Update
Dear Extension Colleagues, It has been our pleasure to serve the Cooperative Extension System this past year and we are excited for the work ahead in 2022. We wanted to provide an update to all of you about how the Extension Foundation has partnered with Cooperative Extension this past year and our progress towards making a greater impact on local issues. We thank you all for the work you do everyday in your states and communities, and we wish all of you a happy and restful holiday season.