Tagged With "Commitment"
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Yes or No?
Yes can lead to more. More can lead to over commitment. Over commitment can lead to accomplishing less. "Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal of yourself to nothing." -Andy Stanley No can lead to less. Less can lead to focus. Focus can lead to getting more accomplished. "Busy is a choice. In fact, it's the easy choice." -Tony Crabbe Choose wisely. What's the most important contribution you can make to the world? Commit to that!
Re: Yes or No?
This is so true as I have come to learn by trial and error đ. Thanks for the post!
Blog Post
The choice of success...
Do you choose to succeed? Successful people very often believe they're doing what they're doing because they choose to...not because they have to. They are committed, not simply compliant. This is normally a positive belief. Here's the issue... The more committed we are to anything, the harder it is for us to admit it's not working. This is very difficult for any successful person who's committed, chose to do it and who's heart & soul is in it. It's great to believe we're committed. It's...
Blog Post
Agent Career Commitment Survey
A team of Extension researchers in the Western states are conducting research on Agent career commitment. We invite you to assist this team in helping to better understand commitment and what impacts it. Please complete this 15-minute survey to develop understanding about how various factors in your life influence your career commitment. https://montana.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ergsekMPv8iDa7k