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Tagged With "Bill Walsh"



Blog Post

ICYMI & What's Coming Up! - From "Me" to "We"

Karl Bradley ·
Thanks for joining us for our discussion on "Trust"! If you missed us, here's a recap...we discussed how TIME isn't what supports the conditions for being's our behaviors. We can behave in ways that lead others to believe we are trustworthy. What evidence are we giving that we're trustworthy? Watch the "trust" session video here ! We recognize this can be a complicated topic, thanks for hanging in with us! Here are some notes from our time together & a couple resources...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
"When employees respect each other and get along in the workplace, it's amazing how productivity increases, morale increases and employees are more courteous to customers." -Maureen Wild Gifford Thomas, the founder of Leadership First & author of The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team to Believe in the Impossible writes... "Respect is the glue that holds teams and organizations together. When there is a high level of trust and respect, in any environment, loyalty is extremely high...

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information

Re: What Does FREEDOM Mean To You?

Kit Fazzini ·
Thank you. Freedom is not free.

Jeanne Walsh

Blog Post

Future You

Karl Bradley ·
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present." -Bill Keane Ok, a little bit of a cheesy way to start. Seriously though, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Our challenge is to make the most out of every day because each one is an opportunity to move closer to the person we want to be. The journey is the destination. Here's a big thing that gets in the way... Damaging Self Talk When we describe ourselves (to ourselves and others) in...

Michele Walsh

Blog Post

They showed up...

Karl Bradley ·
Veterans Day always falls on November 11 of each year. This date was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the end of World War 1, which occured at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Much of the world, especially Europe, recognized this date as Armistice Day. They Showed Up The veterans of the Revolutionary War showed up with flintlock hunting rifles. The day after Pearl Harbor, brave citizens showed up to wait in long lines at recruiting stations for World War II.
Blog Post

Financial Considerations for Pet Ownership

Kristen Jowers ·
Brown (2023) estimates that nearly 62% of Americans have a pet, and half of pet owners not only consider their pets to be a part of their family but say they are as much a part of their family as a human member. Identify ways for pet ownership to teach financial responsibility and explore special considerations for military families, including the new pet transportation allowance for CONUS and OCUNUS PCS moves.
Blog Post

What Does FREEDOM Mean To You?

Karl Bradley ·
Some of the most cherished memories from my military career are centered around the privilege of visiting with Veterans. Connecting with one of the last WWI veterans, Robley Rex , was amazing. Hearing individual accounts of WWII directly from members of the greatest generation, including Pearl Harbor survivors, was a gift. Stories from Korean War veterans, Vietnam veterans, Gulf War veterans, the many who we served alongside after the attacks on September 11, our allies, and even veterans of...
Blog Post

Four Strategies for Military Families to Pay for Education Expenses

Kristen Jowers ·
Whether you’re supporting a service member transitioning to civilian employment, alongside a military spouse, or helping both as they explore options for their child(ren), discover four ways for military families to plan for education expenses.

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
