Tagged With "group collaboration"
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Re: Stress and Children - Good, Tolerable and Bad - RECORDED Webinar
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
Re: Trauma - What is it and how does it cause harm to youth? - RECORDED Webinar
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
Re: Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences - RECORDED Webinar
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
Blog Post
2022 Program Center Stage
The Extension Foundation 's Program Center Stage series had a great first year , highlighting programs that are doing impactful work across the system . Throughout the year , the series featured Southern University Ag Center Emergency Prep ared ness Response & Recovery , J UN T OS 4-H, New Technologies for Ag Extension ( N TA E ), Extension Collabor ation on Immun ization Education ( EX C ITE ), North Star Legacy Communities , Utah ’ s Remote Work Online Initiative Program , P estic ide...
Blog Post
The EXCITE Project: Impact of Immunization Education Programs at 1890 Institutions
The 1890 Universities Foundation collaborated with the Extension Foundation to implement the system-wide program, Extension Collabor ative on Immun ization , Teaching and Eng agement ( EX C ITE ). EX C ITE addresses barriers and increases confidence about CO VID - 19 , flu , and other vaccinations among rural and medically unders erved audiences and informs CDC , USDA - N IFA , Cooperative Extension , and health partners about how best to implement public health programs to reduce health...