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Extension Workforce Development Network

The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Workforce Development Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation, is in the process of developing an Extension network for workforce development. This Connect group will bring professionals at each land-grant university together to learn and collaborate on Extension's workforce development efforts.

Tagged With "Development Program Action Team Launches"


Katie Tyler

Katie Tyler
Blog Post

Extension Workforce Development Network Connection

Clint Cummings ·
The following was shared with Extension Directors to help identify Extension workforce development contacts at each institution: The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Workforce Development Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation, is in the process of developing an Extension network for workforce development. Key to this effort is identifying a point of contact at each land-grant university to learn about Extension's workforce development...
Blog Post

New research on advancing anti-racist economic research and policy

Amy Patillo ·
The Economic Policy Institute released a new essay series and chartbook that offers perspectives on advancing anti-racist economic research and policy. Items of interest include: series of essays interactive chartbook with population demographics, labor market outcomes, civic participation, and income, poverty, wealth, and health indicators State of Working America Data Library Much of this information was adapted from the workshop series, “ Turning Good Intentions into Constructive...

Steve Beck


Kenneth Jones

Blog Post

Workforce and Economic Development Program Action Team Update

Megan Hirschman ·
The ECOP Workforce and Economic Development Program Action Team, led by Dr. Ivory Lyles, Oregon State University, continues to invite Directors, Specialists and Partners to be part of the Workforce and Economic Development Program Action Team. The PAT is continuing to develop their strategic planning and structure process and invites leaders to continue to participate in this development. Once the structure is agreed upon, priorities will be identified, and Implementation Teams will coalesce...
Blog PostFeatured

National Registry of Workforce Development

Amy Patillo ·
You are invited to contribute your projects, programs, or curricula to the New Workforce Development National Assessment. The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy Workforce Development Action Team, in partnership with the Extension Foundation, is developing an interactive data set Workforce Development program offerings offered by Cooperative Extension across all regions. The National Registry is located at

Re: National Registry of Workforce Development

Clint Cummings ·
Thank you Amy! The walkthrough is great and very helpful. I look forward to seeing the great additions to the National Registry!

Re: National Registry of Workforce Development

Former Member ·
I want to express my gratitude for the time and effort you put into producing this post. I hope you continue to do your best work in the future as well. Additionally, if you want to play a game in your free time, go to this post on cps test . No matter how familiar you are with CPS tests, take part in the game and exceed expectations.

Re: National Registry of Workforce Development

Sheila Martin ·
Hi, I wanted to come to the meeting today but I have a competing meeting. Our workforce curriculum will live on the NACDEP community development library. Is this a duplication of that?

Margo Long

Margo Long
Blog Post

Workforce Meet and Greet Recording-Watch Now

Megan Hirschman ·
View the recording of our online kickoff event that served as part of the launch of the new Extension Workforce Development Network and provided an opportunity for introductions and building on our group identity. There was an update on the Workforce and Economic Development Program Action Team (PAT) and on the current project and discussion on developing a shared definition for workforce development offered through Extension. View the recording here:

Melissa Bond

Melissa Bond
Blog Post

November Program Center Stage- Using Digital Dashboards to Improve Program Implementation and Evaluation: University of Missouri Team Identifies Challenges and Solutions in Coordinating Programming and Implementation of Mental Health Services

MelaniePugsley ·
Using Digital Dashboards to Improve Program Implementation and Evaluation: University of Missouri Team Identifies Challenges and Solutions in Coordinating Programming and Implementation of Mental Health Services November 28th, 2022 2 PM - 3 PM ET REGISTER HERE We invite you to join us for November's Program Center Stage webinar to learn about the Missouri Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network's (FRSAN) strategy for managing and evaluating complex mental and behavioral health programs for...

J. Harness


Justin Crowe

Blog Post

Recorded: “Extension’s Role in Workforce Development”

Amy Patillo ·
August 2022 Dynamic Discussions workshop focused on “Extension’s Role in Workforce Development” led by Robert Russell. Dr. Russell shared information about both the opportunities and challenges for Extension in workforce development as well as the role of the Workforce Program Action Team and its efforts to help lead programs forward. Here is a list of tools/resources that were discussed. Tools/Resources: A link to the recording is available here ; A link to the slide deck is available here...
Blog PostFeatured

Recorded: Extension Workforce Development Network Kickoff Event

Amy Patillo ·
In case you missed it, the Extension Workforce Development Network hosted a webinar in September 2022 to provide updates on the Workforce and Economic Development Program Action Team (PAT) and on the current project and discussion on developing a shared definition for workforce development offered through Extension. View the recorded session

Norma Sanchez


Carol P. Shoy


Ryan Tesar

Blog Post

Future Opportunities for Rural Workforce and Rural Development (FORWARD) Curriculum Presentation

Jason Weigle ·
Learn more about the FORWARD curriculum and how you can access it for your own use!

Keenan Plate

Keenan Plate

Emily Hanna

Emily Hanna

Alex Kennedy


JJ Jones

JJ Jones

Ellis Vidmar

Ellis Vidmar

Chris Cribbs


Rachael Dove


Carli Ianke


Marc Celestin


Re: National Registry of Workforce Development

Former Member ·
The project sounds great and the idea is really nice. I really want to join the project only up . Hope that it will be successful.

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
