Tagged With "Urban Extension Connect Extension Group"
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SAVE THE DATES: National Urban Extension Conference 2026, May 11-14 in Detroit
Please save the dates and signup for conference updates for the May 11-14, 2026, National Urban Extension Conference hosted in Detroit, MI by Michigan State University Extension. This upcoming event’s focus will be on Driving Innovation Ahead. The event will take place at The Westin Book Cadillac at 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226. Registration and room block information will be released in late 2025. Please visit canr.msu.edu/nuec for updates. You can also sign up to get email...
Blog Post
Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Professional Development
The Rutgers Cancer Institute is once again opening their cancer-related professional development offerings to Cooperative Extension personnel across the country. Their basic training prepares community practitioners to speak confidently about cancer prevention strategies with local residents and engage in local coalitions focused on reducing the prevalence of cancer in their communities. A number of Extension professionals participated in this training last year and found it relevant to...
Blog Post
Virtual Group Goals Setting Opportunity on March 5, 2025
Are you part of a work team or work with a community group that would benefit from doing some goal setting or strategic planning? Michigan State University Extension and the MSU National Charrette Institute is excited to offer an online session of the Setting Group Goals for Growth (SG3) workshop on the 5th of March, 2025. SG3 is a half-day, interactive, workshop for groups or teams with current strategic planning, goal setting, or futuring needs. Teams of 6-12 people will participate in a...
Blog Post
Call for Nominations 2025 Priester Health Awards
Nominations and self-nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 Jeanne M. Priester Extension Health Awards . The awards are named for Jeanne Priester, former National Program Leader at ES-USDA involved in the development of such landmark programs such EFNEP and Mulligan Stew. Today, these awards recognize extraordinary programs and professionals that are modeling next generation work in health and well-being. Awards are presented in six different categories. Award recipients will be...