Tagged With "National Academy of Medicine"
Blog Post
National Academy of Medicine - Community-Driven Health Equity Action Plans
As part of its Culture of Health Program , earlier this year the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) released a model for developing Community-Driven Health Equity Action Plans , as well as Community-Driven Health Equity Action Plans developed by groups from across the country with facilitation from the NAM. The model and completed plans are intended to serve as resources for communities as well as state and national organizers interested in advancing health equity at the community level. The...
Blog Post
National Health Outreach Conference - Hold the Date
Mark your calendars for the 2021 National Health Outreach Conference! The conference will be held virtually May 3-7, 2021. With the theme of “The Grand Challenge: Building a Healthy Future for All,” there will be sessions related to health equity, effective behavior change messaging, policy system and environmental change, health behavior, and pandemic response programming. Keynote speakers, concurrent and posters sessions will be relevant for professionals who address health, nutrition,...
Blog Post
HRSA National Rural Health Day - November 19
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is hosting a variety of events throughout the week of November 16 to celebrate National Rural Health Day (NRHD) on November 19. While these events are open to the public, registration is required for some events. NRHD is HRSA’s opportunity to showcase the work and accomplishments across the agency supporting rural health. For more information and a a schedule of events for each day, visit ...
Blog Post
Celebrating "Can Do" Spirit on National Rural Health Day
The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health sets aside the third Thursday of every November to celebrate National Rural Health Day. National Rural Health Day is an opportunity to “Celebrate the Power of Rural” by honoring the selfless, community-minded, “can do” spirit that prevails in rural America, gives us a chance to bring to light the unique healthcare challenges that rural citizens face, and showcase the efforts of rural healthcare providers, State Offices of Rural...
Blog Post
Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?
TL;DR: The social determinants of health are gaining the attention on the hill, there is bipartisan support, and there is strong hope that the 117th Congress and the Biden-Harris administration will make progress – particularly regarding health equity. The main driving factor…money.
Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?
Thanks for summarizing the information shared in the briefing!
Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?
This is encouraging, thank you for sharing. I work in transportation education at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Tompkins County, New York. Sometimes people know what they need to do to improve their health, but they have no reasonable way to get to their doctor's appointments, or to physical therapy, or even to the pharmacy.
Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?
I taught a course titled Integrating Public Health and Clinical Systems. There is of course no standard text book for such a topic, but I found a great compendium of essays from the deBeaumont Foundation called the Practical Playbook for Integrating Public Health and Primary Care. The social determinants of health are at the heart of connecting the two sectors. The second edition of this book talks about developing multisector partnerships. https://www.debeaumont.org/pro.../practical-playbook/
Blog Post
One Health Approach for Infectious Disease Outbreaks
National Academies' Forum on Microbial Threats will host a virtual workshop to examine ways to systemize and integrate the One Health approach as part of outbreak prevention, detection, preparedness, and response efforts. This workshop will explore multi-sector collaboration mechanisms, community engagement strategies, workforce development, and policies that can effectively implement the core capacities and interventions of One Health principles to strengthen national health systems and...
Blog Post
Register Now for the 2022 National Health Outreach Conference
Registration is now open for the 2022 National Health Outreach Conference to be held May 4-6 in Kansas City, MO. 45 concurrent sessions and 30 poster sessions were accepted for the 2022 conference. Sessions focus on such topics as coalition building, PSE change, workforce development, immunization education, diabetes prevention, and food insecurity. Keynote speakers include Dr. Salma Abdalla of the Rockefeller Foundation. To learn more and register for the conference, visit ...
Blog Post
Opportunity to Host: 2023 National Health Outreach Conference
Although the 2022 National Health Outreach Conference (NHOC) hosted by the University of Missouri is still a couple of months away, now is the time to consider whether your institution would be interested in hosting the 2023 conference. Originally known as the Priester Conference, NHOC is an annual gathering of Extension faculty and staff, cross-campus collaborators, and external partners focused on the role that they can collectively play in improving the health of the nation. A copy of the...
Blog Post
Updated Schedule for the 2022 National Health Outreach Conference
The 2022 National Health Outreach Conference will be held May 4-6 in Kansas City, MO and features 45 concurrent sessions, 30 posters, and four engaging keynote speakers. Don't miss out on the early bird registration and opportunity to reserve a room in the conference hotel. Also know that an updated conference schedule and a detailed listing of the current sessions are now available at the conference web site. Sessions focus on such topics as coalition building, PSE change, workforce...
Blog Post
Interested in partnering with cities?
The National Urban Research & Extension Center (NUREC) invites you to participate in this Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to determine where there are opportunities for partnership and collaboration amongst research and Extension and the National League of Cities.
Blog Post
SAVE THE DATES: National Urban Extension Conference 2026, May 11-14 in Detroit
Please save the dates and signup for conference updates for the May 11-14, 2026, National Urban Extension Conference hosted in Detroit, MI by Michigan State University Extension. This upcoming event’s focus will be on Driving Innovation Ahead. The event will take place at The Westin Book Cadillac at 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226. Registration and room block information will be released in late 2025. Please visit canr.msu.edu/nuec for updates. You can also sign up to get email...