Tagged With "Extension"
Blog Post
We Want to Hear From You: National Extension Needs Assessment
The North Central Region Aging Network is requesting ALL Extension educators, specialists, and administrators complete a short survey. Twenty participants will win a $50 gift card!
Re: Cooperative Extension: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
This is a very good article and does an excellent job of highlighting the efforts of Cooperative Extension Service over the years! It also does a good job of talking about the disparity's within the organization as a whole. Hopefully, we all will eventually rise to the challenge of making some changes to make it more sustainable over time.
Blog Post
SAVE THE DATES: National Urban Extension Conference 2026, May 11-14 in Detroit
Please save the dates and signup for conference updates for the May 11-14, 2026, National Urban Extension Conference hosted in Detroit, MI by Michigan State University Extension. This upcoming event’s focus will be on Driving Innovation Ahead. The event will take place at The Westin Book Cadillac at 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226. Registration and room block information will be released in late 2025. Please visit canr.msu.edu/nuec for updates. You can also sign up to get email...