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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Priester Health Awards - Call for Nominations

The Jeanne M. Priester Extension Health Awards recognize extraordinary programs and professionals that are modeling next generation work in the area of health and well-being.  Awards are presented in five different categories. Award recipients will be recognized at the 2023 National Health Outreach Conference at Cornell University in May. Nominations will be accepted in five categories.
PROGRAM AWARD, Individual or Family - programs designed to meet an identified need at the individual and/or family level. Programs involving an Extension-community partnership are eligible for this award.
PROGRAM AWARD, Community - programs designed to meet an identified need at the community level. Programs involving an Extension-community partnership are eligible for this award.
PROGRAM AWARD, Innovative - programs that feature new methods and/or go beyond traditional programming to address an identified need in the community.
LEADERSHIP AWARD - an individual who has provided exemplary, impactful leadership to his or her state and/or the nation in the area of health and wellness.
CULTURE OF HEALTH AWARD - an Extension-community partnership that is taking a transformative approach to improving
community health, fostering a culture of health through community-based strategies, and/or co-creating with communities to
ensure relevance and reduce barriers for positive change.
Leadership Award nominees must be a Cooperative Extension employee at the time of nomination.  Nominations for other awards that involve a team or community coalition must include at least one Cooperative Extension employee as a member of the nominated team or coalition.
All components of a nomination should be submitted together as a single PDF document. Individuals may self-nominate for any of the five awards.  Use the following as an outline for the nomination.
1.    Award Category (for which category is the nomination being made)
2.    Nominee’s Name (individual to receive award)
3.    Nominee’s Institution
4.    Nominee’s Address
5.    Nominee’s Phone
6.    Nominee’s Email
7.    Additional Team Members or Partners (name and institution)
8.    Program Title (if nomination is for program award)
9.    Nomination Narrative (500 words maximum, use subheadings as appropriate)
10. Nominator’s Name
11. Nominator’s Institution
12. Nominator’s Phone
13. Nominator’s Email
14. Attach up to three letters of support (Leadership Award Only)
Send the single PDF document to Roger Rennekamp at no later than COB April 14, 2023.


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