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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Priester Award Winners Announced


The Jeanne M. Priester Extension Health Awards recognize extraordinary programs and professionals that are modeling next generation work in the area of health and well-being. Awards are presented in five different categories.

Program Award (Individual or Family) - Beth Nacke, Donnia Behrends, Hannah Guenther, and Mariah Newmyer (Nebraska)

Program Award (Community) - Brenda Sale, Marion Cain, Bill Garvey, Mark Gehring, Gina Anderson, Jill Long, and Wayne Long (Nebraska)

Program Award - (Innovative) - Cori Sweet, Karen Franck, Jeanmarie Salie, Christopher Sneed, and Jennifer Ward. (Tennessee)

Leadership Award - Heather Sedges (Tennessee)

Culture of Health Award - Jennifer Gauthier (Wisconsin)

Award winners were recently recognized at the 2023 National Health Outreach Conference at Cornell University.

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