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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Death Rates from COVID-19 Growing Fastest in Rural America


An article by published yesterday in STAT online included alarming information about the prevalence of COVID-19 in rural communities.

"As the U.S. heads toward a third peak in the pandemic, rural counties are among the areas most severely affected by Covid-19. While their absolute numbers of cases are still relatively small compared with large cities, case rates and death rates are growing fastest in rural counties.

This is especially worrisome because characteristics associated with poor Covid-19 outcomes, like older age, poorer general health, and fewer health care providers per capita, are more common in rural communities. In addition, many rural counties have been slowest to adopt key preventive public health measures such as social distancing and mask-wearing.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of face masks to limit the spread of Covid-19, and state mask mandates are generally associated with a decrease in case rates. Yet many individuals in rural communities eschew wearing masks."  (Zaller and Pro, 2020)

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