Presented by: Kenneth Sherin (South Dakota State University) and Cheryl Burkhart Kriesel (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
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*Work group members involved in this project included: Heidi Marie Mouillesseaux-Kunzman, Cornell University ; Meagan Lannan, Montana Department of Labor and Industry; Katie Weaver, Montana State University ; Carolyn Hatch, Montreal Canada; Tanya Hall, Annie Cruz-Porter & Melinda Grismer, Purdue Extension; Kenneth Sherin, South Dakota State University; Milan Wall, The Heartland Center for Leadership Development; Laura Fuller, The Ohio State University; Mark Peterson, University of Arkansas ; Ken Larimore, University of Illinois ; Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel, Pat Curry, DeNae Gitonga & John Gulick, University of Missouri; Carroll Welte, University of Nebraska; Debra Hansen, Washington State University.
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