If pain is like a pest, then pain management in a person is a lot like pest management for a crop. The more you know about the pain you have, the more effectively you can treat it. Almost everyone feels pain at some point in their life, at any age, and in any occupation. In this session, participants will learn about different types of pain and why pain is useful (even when it feels terrible), understand what is happening in the body to produce pain and why this matters for certain treatments, and learn strategies to manage pain to stay active and engaged in everyday life.
Our Presenter:
Kirsten Ambrose is associate director of the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, located in the Thurston Arthritis Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has a Masterβs of Science in exercise science and more than 20 years of experience managing multidisciplinary teams toward successful research conduct in chronic pain-related disorders and public health action for osteoarthritis awareness and education in several notable academic centers. She is especially interested in expanding delivery of evidence-based solutions, with an emphasis on physical activity education and programming, to improve self-management of osteoarthritis, chronic pain, and related conditions. She is a regular presenter for the OAAA at local and national professional meetings, and she has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, patient-advocacy articles, and book chapters on arthritis and chronic pain.
To participate in this free, one-hour webinar, click here to access the online registration form. Registration closes Monday, August 7. Please pass on this invitation to others you believe may be interested. Contact AgrAbility at 800-825-4264, visit www.agrability.org/ntw-encore, or email agrability@agrability.org if you have questions.
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