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Welcoming a Military Family with a Child Who Has Special Needs

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In this installment in the Child Care and Military Families Series, explore serving military families who have a child with special needs.

The presenters will provide two key perspectives:
1) understanding from the family's perspective the experience of having a child with a disability in the context of military life; and
2) understanding the benefits, challenges and responsibilities of inclusion from a child care program perspective.


Wendy is a military spouse, advocate, and the founder and CEO of Military Special Needs Network, a global, online network for all military families with a dependent with any special medical and/or educational need. Having experienced firsthand the overwhelming burden, fear and constant worry that confronts parents after receiving a devastating diagnosis, Wendy knows how challenging it can be to navigate the world of special needs in the military and the myriad of decisions parents are faced with. Through advocating for the Military Special Needs Network, Wendy and her board of other military spouse volunteers are helping to support more than 1,400 military families around the globe. (Visit the Military Special Needs Network website to learn more: )

Susan is an author, teacher trainer, and consultant with SEC Enterprises and AGH Associates, Inc. One of her roles is to provide professional development for school districts and early childhood education programs throughout the U.S. on topics that include meeting the needs of children with special needs and children who have experienced trauma. She is the co-author of "Including All Children," a 10-module training developed for the Department of the Army. The focus of the training is on using the knowledge caregivers have about children to help them include children with disabilities. (Learn more about "Including All Children" here:

- Child Care for Military-Connected Children with Special Needs (blog post)
- Child Care for Children with Special Needs (collection of brief articles)

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