How do you...
*Capture the best ideas, resources, and energy from an event or conference?
*Expand an events recognition and reach?
*Continue learning from your speaker or participants after an event or conference has concluded?
*Meet and interact with people interested in specific topics or similar causes?
*Weave together ideas and discussion together among multiple audiences?
*Maintain fruitful learning relationships or connections?
Using Twitter Hashtags with your tweets can help you see the value in Twitter by connecting you with people of similar interests, when it matters, and also help you to maintain learning relationships with other Twitter users from events, specific topics/interests or causes.
In this session we will discuss and mention hashtags that are being used by colleagues from across Cooperative Extension, specifically #CoopExt #CESValue, the upcoming #IMGC (International Master Gardener Conference 2011), Network Literacy CoP #netlit, and other pertinent examples, including the hashtag (stay tuned) for this web conference.
We recommend having a Twitter account initiated prior to this session if you would like to participate in tweeting with a hashtag. You can create a new account at
Looking to learn about other basic Twitter skills? Search this site for Twitter and find recorded professional development sessions.
The slide presentation from this session is available @:
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