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Sight beyond sight: the power of near-infrared imagery for mapping


Although near-infrared imagery is becoming more widely available, many users of geospatial data (even GIS professionals) do not appreciate the true power of these images. While most people are familiar with true color images, which represent visible wavelengths in their “natural” colors, false color images assign colors to one or more “invisible” wavelengths. When false color images are produced with near-infrared imagery, the resulting maps can be very useful for a wide variety of purposes, including assessing forest health, monitoring crops and delineating water bodies.

The first part of this webinar will focus on the basic details of near-infrared imagery and detail a variety of applications of false color images which use near-infrared wavelengths. The rest of the webinar will cover where and how to obtain near-infrared imagery for the states of New Hampshire and Vermont.


Russell G. Congalton, PhD, Professor of Remote Sensing & GIS, Dept. of Natural Resources & the Environment, University of New Hampshire, Director, NHView

Fay Rubin, Director of NH GRANIT, University of New Hampshire,

Leslie Pelch, Outreach Coordinator, Vermont Center of Geographic Information,


This webinar is brought to you by eXtension Map@Syst, NH GRANIT, NH Space Grant Consortium, NHView, UNH Cooperative Extension and the Vermont Center for Geographic Information.

This webinar has already taken place. The recording is available:

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