Join eOrganic for a webinar on the organic farming systems research at the University of Nebraska!
This webinar will present an overview of research being conducted at the University of Nebraska on organic farming, and will include 10-minute summaries by researchers of projects that emphasize production issues, grain quality, and agrosystem impacts.
Elizabeth Sarno will discuss the development of the organic research program and projects at UNL from 2006 to the present and discuss how on-farm research can help develop cultural practices within various ecoregions; Vicki Schlegel will share her work on the effect of organic farming on phytochemicals that benefit human health; Charles Shapiro will discuss the effects of manure application on weed control and crop growth; Richard Little will review the breeding and evaluation of Winter wheat variety trials for bread quality; Jim Brandle will stand in for John Quinn, for a presentation on bird conservation opportunities in agricultural ecosystems and the Healthy Farm Index as a tool to measure biodiversity, ecosystem services, and sustainability at a farm scale.
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