Please join us for the ninth webinar in our Composting and Compost Use series. In this webinar, a panel of presenters will explain the general purpose of composting regulations, provide some specific examples of the rationale behind state regulations, and engage in a facilitated discussion with registrants. There is no charge for this webinar, but registration is required.
Register for the Regulations webinar.
Kathryn Perszyk, Solid Waste Permit Coordinator, Office of Waste Programs, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, is a lead staff person in the area of solid waste management permitting, including composting. She is a critical source of composting regulatory information in Virginia.
Gary Felton, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Technology, University of Maryland, specializes in the fate and transport of nutrients and on-farm applications of technology. In particular, his work has focused on poultry litter application, co-composting poultry litter and other wastes, and nutrient fate and transport from poultry litter stockpiles.
Mid-Atlantic Composting and Compost Use Webinar Series
You are invited to join our esteemed group of presenters on the third Friday of each month beginning at 2PM Eastern Time for an online version of the Mid-Atlantic Better Composting School, without the hands-on training portion. Individual webinars will be 60-75 minutes. This free-of-charge webinar series will begin in June 2017 and end in May 2018. Registration will be required in order to log-on.
The webinar series provides fundamental education on composting principles and compost use. The program will benefit experienced composters by providing refresher classes that may improve composting operations or for preparing for Compost Operators’ Certification testing. The training may also be useful for those considering starting a composting operation at the on-farm, municipal, or industrial level. Composting regulators and compost marketers could also benefit from the knowledge on the process and the end product material use.
Series Schedule
Register for upcoming webinars and view past recordings.
Download the webinar series schedule (PDF format).
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