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Labor Law & Your Farm/Ranch Business

One of the biggest challenges in reaching your farm goals is likely related to employees—finding, training, and retaining them. Without employees your growth is limited. Managing the transition from farmer to boss requires skill, practice and patience, plus a basic working understanding of federal employment law as it relates to agricultural businesses.

Join the eXtension Women in Agriculture Learning Network for a special two-part webinar series aimed at helping women farmers and ranchers select the right employee and get your team off to a great start this growing season.

We’ll start on Tuesday, May 17 with “Labor Law & Your Farm,” which will focus on legal issues small- and medium-sized diversified farms commonly encounter related to hiring and paying workers. In this 30-minute session, attorney and Farm Commons Executive Director Rachel Armstrong will briefly discuss:

  • Minimum wage- When do you owe it and can you pay it with food and lodging?
  • Workers' compensation- Insurance that protects the farm from liability as well as employees from the costs of injury
  • Volunteers- Is there risk and how do you manage it?
  • Discrimination in hiring- Make sure you find the best team by following non-discrimination laws.

This session will start at noon ET (11 am CT, 10 am MT and 9 am PT).

Then, on May 19, we’ll continue with “Unpacking the Farm Labor Puzzle” with University of Vermont Extension’s Mary Peabody. This session will present the tips for recruiting, training, and retaining farm employees. Unpacking the Farm Labor Puzzle will start at 3 pm ET (2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and noon PT). Pre-register at:

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