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Keep Your Food Safe & Fresh: Simple Canning & Preservation Tips


Keep Your Food Safe & Fresh: Simple Canning & Preservation Tips

Are you looking for a way to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer? Do you want to extend the shelf life of summer and fall foods from your garden? Join USDA’s National Agricultural Library and the University of Minnesota Libraries Doris Kirschner Cookbook Collection for a free webinar and cooking demo at 12 pm ET on Thursday, September 29th: β€œKeep Your Food Safe & Fresh: Simple Canning & Preservation Tips.”

Across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked a growing interest in canning and preserving foods at home. In this 60-minute webinar, two home food preservation experts will share how canning helps people to reduce food waste and enjoy seasonal foods all year long.

  • Discover ways to start preserving foods at home from Dr. Carla Schwan, Director of the National Center for Home Food Preservation from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and University of Georgia’s Department of Nutritional Sciences.
  • Learn how to make homemade applesauce in a live canning demonstration led by Kate McCarty, Food Systems Professional and Master Food Preserver from University of Maine Cooperative Extension.

This event will be live-streamed and captioned, and the recording will be posted to the National Agricultural Library website after the event. If you need an accommodation to attend or have any questions, please contact the National Agricultural Library.

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