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Getting started with hop production

This program is part of a 20-webinar Michigan State University Extension 2015 Beginning Farmer Webinar Series.  

Getting started with hops production

Rob Sirrine and Erin Lizotte, MSU Extension

Wednesday, March 11, 2015, 7-9pm

Interest in growing Michigan hops is increasing.  The industry is still small in the state, but growing.  People interested in getting started need a good overview of the opportunities and risks involved.  This webinar will include an overview by MSU Extension educator Rob Sirrine of the hops industry in Michigan, start-up considerations including land/soil requirements, equipment, labor and materials, costs of establishment and maintenance, management requirements, harvest and processing, and marketing possibilities.  MSU Extension Educator Erin Lizotte will present a segment on integrated pest management in hops production including major insect and disease issues.

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