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EXCITE Pre-Decisional Activity 2 Pilot Project Application Workshop

Project teams are invited to join EXCITE for the Activity 2 Pilot Project Application Workshop on either April 21st or April 22nd, 2021 from 2 PM - 4:30 PM ET.

The purpose of this workshop is to help teams create informed, strong, viable pilot project proposals for EXCITE Activity 2. We want you to be successful by embracing diverse targeted audiences, diverse interventions/programs, and diverse geographies.

In the workshop, teams will:

  • Spend time with Key Informants from CDC and Cooperative Extension who are knowledgeable in data use, vaccine-hesitancy, application-specific communication, messaging, community engagement, and more to answer your program design questions and provide feedback.
  • Learn about project selection criteria and specific application components.
  • Have hands-on application development time in addition to instructions and tips,
  • Learn next steps to complete your application.

Registration information:

  • Team members should attend together.
  • All team members need to register individually, and under the same Team/Project Name.
  • All project teams planning on applying for Activity 2 are strongly encouraged to participate in one of the workshops (April 21 or April 22)
  • Teams should come with the following information about your proposed project:
    • Targeted audience
    • Project idea
  • Be ready to work collaboratively using an application template (Join the Workshop using a computer with video, not phone).

After the workshop, teams will have a partial application template completed with next steps to finish their applications. Additional optional weekly opportunities will also be made available to answer application questions.

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FAQs for Learn Calendar Users:

Will a recording be available?

That is entirely up to the host of this webinar/online event. If this is an Extension Foundation hosted event - we will update this calendar listing with a link to the recording usually within 48 hours. Keep in mind, many of the offerings found here in Connect Extension are brought to you by your colleagues across the system. While we encourage them to update their listings with recordings, it is entirely up to them.

How do I know if it is an Extension-hosted event?

eXtension posts publicly our events to two calendars - the Extension Foundation Member Calendar and the Opportunities for Cooperative Extension Calendar.  All other events coming from across Cooperative Extension are posted to the Learn Calendar or to one of the regional calendars. All calendars populate to the same main calendar on Connect Extension. To tell the difference between what events are posted to what calendars easily, you'll see the name of the calendar posted above the title of the event if you scroll to the top.

What if I have trouble accessing this webinar?

Please contact the author of this calendar event. The individual that posted this event will have their username automatically listed at the bottom of the body of their post, right above the social media buttons. When you hover over that name, you are able to send them a private message.


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at

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