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Enhancing the Work of Professionals Serving Military Caregivers and Service Members

Join the eXtension Child and Family Learning Network and Military Family Caregiving for a free webinar on enhancing the work of professionals who serve military caregivers and service members.

Approximately 22 million veterans, spanning from multiple generations and eras of service, live in the United States (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2013). When focusing on post -9/11 demographics, 2.1 million service members were deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Of those 2.1 million, roughly 35 percent may have experienced a traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder or depression (RAND, 2013). Alongside these wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans, is a cadre of β€œhidden heroes,” known as military caregivers. With over 5.5 million military caregivers (RAND, 2014) currently providing care for returning service members, there is a demand for programs that support the caregiving process as it becomes a socioeconomic challenge in the United States.

  1. Examine issues related to returning service members/veterans and their caregivers living in rural areas.
  2. Identify ways professionals can obtain professional development related to supporting returning service members/veterans and their caregivers.
  3. Discuss how innovative technologies and partnerships can help support the work of professionals, returning service members/veterans and caregivers.  


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