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Community Renewable Energy Deployment Success Stories: Landfill Gas-to-Energy Webinar

Register ahead for this webinar hosted by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Dean Olson, Director of the Will County, Illinois, Land Use Department’s Resource Recovery and Energy Division
Paul Pabor, Vice President of Renewable Energy at Waste Management
Brent Schneider, Engineering and Environmental Quality Manager at Escambia County Department of Solid Waste in Escambia County, Florida

Description:Challenges and benefits of developing successful community landfill gas-to-energy projects in Illinois and Florida.

Prairie View RDF Gas-to-Energy Facility: A Public/Private Partnership
Will County partnered with Waste Management, using a portion of the county’s DOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funding, to develop the Prairie View Recycling and Disposal Facility. A gas purchase agreement was executed in 2010 and the facility became operational in December 2011. Waste Management provides monthly payments to the county based on the amount of gas generated from the landfill and flowing through the facility. As market conditions evolve, the County will share revenue 50/50 with Waste Management in addition to the gas payments.

Escambia County, Perdido Landfill Gas-to-Electricity Project
This project has been operational since October 2010. The Perdido Landfill generates income from the sale landfill gas to the Gulf Power company, the project’s development partner. DOE funding provided for expansion of the gas collection system, while Gulf Power independently funded the plant. According to the county and Gulf Power, the partnership is unique because no third-party developer was involved, and the contractor who currently operates the plant for Gulf Power also operates the wellfield for the landfill.

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