Anaerobic digestion is an established technology to treat animal manure. Biogas (a methane and carbon dioxide mixture) is a digestion byproduct with a positive energy value. The success of on-farm digestion relies on choosing a digester design compatible with the farm scale and operations, careful digester operation and management, implementing biogas end-use that maximizes farm revenue, and economic incentives to support project financing.
Due to the favorable economic incentives from the Low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS), there is strong interest in converting biogas to high-purity methane, renewable natural gas (RNG), and injecting it into natural gas pipelines. Across the US, many new on-farm AD projects are going online that integrate RNG technology, individually or as part of a group of digesters, to sell the biogas methane as RNG.
This webinar explores where, how, and when it makes sense to merge manure digesters with natural gas pipelines. The webinar will share national, project specific and farm-level perspectives.
An application for continuing education credit for Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) and members of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) will be submitted.
Presenters include:
- Vanessa McKinney, US EPA
- Dana Kirk, Michigan State University Extension
- Kevin Dobson, DTE Energy
Handouts (PDF format) will be available the day of the webinar at the live webinar information page. Find out more about this webinar and future webinars by the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (LPELC).
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