Tagged With "Essential oils"
Blog Post
Jason Weigle Joins Extension Foundation as New Impact Collaborative Program Coordinator
The Extension Foundation is pleased to announce that @Jason Weigle has joined the Extension Foundation team as its new Impact Collaborative Program Coordinator. In this role, Jason will be leading all functions of the Impact Collaborative program to help implement and assess successful offerings to Extension Foundation members and foster the ongoing development of the national Impact Collaborative Facilitator network. The Impact Collaborative is a bundle of services and events that are...
Blog Post
"Hot" for Change!
Imagine you're making popcorn on the stove. You heat the oil and put in the kernels. Too little heat and the kernels don't pop. Too much heat and the popcorn isn't edible because it's burned. Just the right amount of heat makes a yummy treat! Heat is the catalyst for change. It's the same for our teams and organizations. You're in the regular weekly update meeting and the boss checks in on how everyone is doing with the newly installed system-wide software. One team member speaks up and says...
Blog Post
From Earth Day to Everyday Action: Extension Tackles Climate Challenges
The History of Earth Day Earth Day was launched in 1970. Many factors contributed to the call for a national day focusing on environmental stewardship, including the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring - serialized in the New Yorker - and the catastrophic oil spill that occurred off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969. The Santa Barbara oil spill galvanized U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisconsin) to call for a national day of locally inspired and organized "teach-ins" on the...
Blog Post
Extension Essentials: New Series to Empower Extension Professionals
The Extension Foundation is excited to announce the launch of its new Extension Essentials series. This curated collection of resources and publications is designed to empower Extension professionals in delivering impactful programs, driving innovation, and fostering meaningful community engagement. The series addresses diverse areas of expertise and equips professionals with practical tools to enhance their work. The first publication in the series , curated by Extension Foundation...