Tagged With "Connecticut"
Blog Post
September Farm Journal Story Lead Contest Winner Published in Farm Journal!
Congrats @Stacey Stearns from UConn for submitting the winning story lead for the September 2020 Farm Journal Story Lead Contest . And thank you to everyone that submitted! The story, Sustainable Food Success Stories from Connecticut , has been published by Farm Journal. You can read the full story here. The November Story Lead contest will open on Monday! You can join the subgroup here .
Blog Post
Seaweed is on the Menu with Connecticut’s Sugar Kelp Industry
A team from UConn is using innovative research and community outreach to help make this novel food more accessible for consumers and more profitable for producers. When you crave something tasty, seaweed may not be the first thing that springs to mind. But UConn researchers and extension educators want to change that. A team from UConn Extension within the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources , and Connecticut Sea Grant are using innovative research and community outreach to...
Blog Post
Job Openings: Three UConn 4-H Positions Open (Connecticut)
UConn 4-H is hiring 4-H Extension Educators! The Department of Extension at the University of Connecticut (UConn) is seeking applicants for three full-time (11-month), non-tenure track Assistant/Associate Extension Educators. One position will target Food and Agricultural Literacy, one on Environmental Literacy, and the other will focus on Healthy Lifestyles Literacy. These three vacant positions are not specifically designated to an assigned location. Final placement will be negotiable,...