Tagged With "brian gauthier"
Blog Post
New eFieldbook Available! Kemēcemenaw: Tribal Extension Partnerships That Support Indigenous Food Sovereignty on the Menominee Indian Reservation
“This eFieldbook will serve as a valuable resource to Cooperative Extension professionals that are working with indigenous populations, while focused on sovereign food production.” - Fred Schlutt, New Technologies for Ag Extension Catalyst, Former Extension Director - University of Alaska Fairbanks. The US Department of Agriculture 2018-2022 Strategic Plan recognizes it’s role in helping provide access to safe and nutritious food for limited income people, by supporting limited resource...
Jennifer K Gauthier
Blog Post
The Encouraging Mentor – A guest blog series by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University
The Extension Foundation and Dr. Raison are partnering to present this series offering self-study materials and advice for career growth. The series will focus on early, middle, and later career stages. We are proud to share this series with the Cooperative Extension System! The ideas shared in this series are extracted from Dr. Raison’s 2024 book, The Encouraging Mentor: Your Guide to 40 Conversations that Matter . This is a how-to manual for mentors, teachers, coaches, and anyone...
Blog Post
//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #1: 6 Conversations for Early Career Growth
Imagine a point in the future where you have achieved your greatest professional goal. Invest a moment here. Try to visualize your career success—you are at the top of your game. Imagine you’ve worked hard and have earned this. Now consider this question: How might that success feel? I think most people will have some level of contentment or satisfaction. Others may feel a bit of pride in the accomplishment. Some may begin to ponder, “What’s next?” Those responses are all normal and valid.
Blog Post
//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #2: Who are you? The Launch Conversation
This blog series offers questions from my teaching and practice at The Ohio State University where I coach and mentor numerous faculty, staff, students, and organizational units to help them move toward mission and accomplish goals. If you are reading this blog (and discussing the question prompts with a mentor), your responses will reflect talking with another person. But if you are using this resource on your own for personal and professional development, you can still ask yourself these...
Blog Post
//GUEST SERIES// The Encouraging Mentor by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University
We are very fortunate to be surrounded by so many generous Cooperative Extension professionals throughout our country. Dr. Brian Raison from The Ohio State University exemplifies the concept of "giving as you go" throughout his distinguished career. In that spirit, this guest series launched with valuable insights for early career professionals! The ideas shared in this series are extracted from Dr. Raison’s 2024 book, The Encouraging Mentor: Your Guide to 40 Conversations that Matter . This...
Re: //GUEST SERIES// The Encouraging Mentor by Dr. Brian Raison, The Ohio State University
Thank you for your kind words Karl. I'm blessed to share these ideas and materials. As noted, I'm posting each of the 40 "conversations" online. Everything is free (unless you want a physical book from the publisher). I'm also adding new videos this month. Glad to collaborate, coach, chat and/or answer any questions. Cheers.