Welcome to the next in the FAS Spotlight webinar series: Spotlight On Hong Kong. This event will consist of an introduction to Hong Kong by the Consul General, followed by a briefing by ATO Director Alicia Hernandez on the current state of markets and market opportunities in Hong Kong and Macau. Her presentation will be followed by presentations from a Hong Kong-based importer and a local retailer, who will discuss specific issues of exporting to and marketing products in Hong Kong. Click here to join the meeting
7:00 (EDT) CEC welcome
7:02 (EDT) U.S. Consul General Hansom Smith welcome people and gives a brief overview of recent events
7:07 (EDT) Alicia Hernandez presents on HK and Macau and introduces her staff
7:40 (EDT) HK importer speaks
7:55 (EDT) HK retailer speaks
8:10 (EDT) Questions
8:30 (EDT) End of spotlight
The event will be hosted on MS Teams â simply click on the link provided (above) in this invitation to attend. The event will run one and half hours, with twenty minutes for questions and answers. Please mute your microphones, and hold questions until the presentations are concluded. Questions will be recognized using the 'raise hands' function in Microsoft Teams. You will also be able to ask questions in the chat function, if you prefer. In either case, when asking a questions, please identify yourself and the organization you are affiliated with. This event will NOT be recorded.
If you have any questions, please contact Ralph Bean directly at ralph.bean@usda.gov.
Photo credit to Ryan McManimie on unspalsh.com
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