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Globalizing Extension Innovation Network

This open group creates a network of professionals interested in globalizing Extension innovation. It shares and develops best practices for augmenting extension programs through cross-cultural and international experiences. The network supports the engagement of extension professionals through educational programs emphasizing understanding of global dynamics and using cultural knowledge.


Community Engagement in a South-South Perspective: Dialogues between Latin America, The Caribbean, and Africa

Matias Flores Gonzalez at Cornell University, announces this international seminar. He is co-organizing this seminar with Agustín Cano Menoni in Uruguay. This seminar is a kick off to a joint initiative during Fall 2024 at Cornell University. I attached the posters if you want to share them with more people. You can follow the streaming on Universidad de la República Uruguay (with an audio in English). The event will be in Spanish. Seminario: La extension universitaria en clave sur-sur:...

Gender in Agriculture Programs: Filling the GAP

On behalf of the Gender Equity through Agricultural Research and Education (GEARE) team at The Pennsylvania State University, we are pleased to let you know about a new Penn State Extension online certificate course ‘Gender in Agricultural Programs: Filling the GAP’. This is an open announcement for individuals to enroll in the certificate program. You can find the link to register for the course here: . The course is...

GEIN's Professional Development Session at AIAEE 2023

The Association for International Agricultural Extension Education (AIAEE) just released their Call for Professional Development Proposals for next year's annual Conference, to be held in Orlando, Florida. The theme of the 2024 Conference is " Looking back, Focusing forward ," and given the domestic location, attendance is expected to be high. This past April, AIAEE held their 2023 Conference in Guelph, Canada, hosted by the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, in the...

NACAA Agriculture & Amazon Tour of Ecuador

Robin Young and Mark Nelson are hosting a ten day tour in Ecuador. The travel is January 10 to 19, 2024. Complete details of each day of the tour are found in the attached agenda. Registration deadline is August 15. Shared rooms with 20 people registered is $2,650 per person; Single Supplement is $550. Travel is arranged through Explorations by Thor . Photos courtesy of Mauricio Munoz, Kiyoshi, Dayan Quinteros from Unsplash.

International Solidarity: Healing Trees

On May 4 & 5, 2022, everyone has the opportunity to join the global community in international solidarity to contribute to climate change mitigation by planting trees in memory of lives lost to COVID-19. Healing Trees seeks partners from around the world to join in 48 hours of collective effort planting over 5 million trees. Healing Trees was started by the San Ramón Carbono Neutral Foundation in Costa Rica. It has grown with the support of the Battle Creek Community Foundation,...

Former GEIN Intern Named as USA Representative to Global 4-H Network

The Globalizing Extension Innovation Network would like to congratulate Dylan Gentry, Former GEIN Intern, on his appointment as the 2021 Global 4-H Youth Delegate as a representative of the United States. The Global 4-H Network Board of Directors proposed the Global 4-H Youth Committee be formed to represent youth voices from each of the 4-H regions worldwide. The individuals will serve July 2021-June 2022 and assist in the planning and preparations of the Global 4-H Summit in September...

GEIN Council Charter

The Globalizing Extension Innovation Network emerged in 2020. As the Network continues to grow the GEIN Council Charter was recently accepted as the guiding principles upon which the Network will operate. The Council will function with 20 active members with annual volunteer nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. Learn more by reading the Charter. If you are interested in joining the Council, please contact the current Chair, Ben Grove ( or Vice Chair, John Vreyens...

Extension's Global Reach: CES Cultural connections and international experience

Extension has existed for more than a century in the USA. Nearing the end of the 20 th century, several programs focused on internationalizing extension (targeting international experiences) or globalizing extension (meaning applying skills learned through international experiences to the educational programs of diverse cultural clientele at home). While many extension professionals contributed their time and talents to such programs, it was not always well documented. In 2012, the USDA...

2021 Women and Gender in International Development Conference - February 23 - 26, 2021

Registration is open! - click here to watch a quick five-minute video description of the 2021 WGD Conference: Take a moment to review the Pre-Conference Workshops before making your selection when registering. REGISTER NOW! The Women and Gender in International Development team at the Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED) of Virginia Tech invites students, faculty, practitioners, extension professionals, and all interested...

Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) 2021 Conference

The 2021 AIAEE Conference will be held ONLINE, April 12-14, 2021, with the theme of Building Virtual Connections in 2021. To register, please click on the link: We will continue to provide information about the conference as it comes available. Please email Dr. Kristina Hains directly at if you have any comments or questions.

New Opportunities for Virtual Assignments in Trinidad and Tobago

Greetings and Welcome to 2021! Although travel restrictions are still in effect, there are opportunities to volunteer internationally virtually through USAID’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) project in Trinidad and Tobago. During the COVID-19 pandemic, how we implement the F2F program has had to adjust and is temporarily offering virtual/remote assignments that will meet the needs of Trinbagonians. Over the holiday break, the F2F team has been working hard to get new assignments approved and posted.

Dairy Nutritionist and Hoof Trimming Expert Opportunities in Sri Lanka

International Executive Service Corps (IESC) is looking for two specialists for a USDA-funded Market-Oriented Dairy project that strengthens the nascent dairy industry in Sri Lanka by training farmers on dairy farming best practices, developing input suppliers, and facilitating investment in the dairy sector. IESC is looking for a dairy expert in hoof trimming and dairy farm management to provide technical assistance and training to a large dairy farm in Sri Lanka. IESC is also looking for...

Global Learning in Agriculture 2021: Taking Action

The Penn State University sponsors an annual virtual conference called Global Learning in Agriculture (GLAg). The week-long event is an opportunity for teachers of agriculture--at universities, in high schools or within Extension 4-H and youth programming to 1) build community support, 2) get academic inspiration, 3) have a professional learning experience, and 4) share tools and resources. GLAg21 will take place the week of February 8 to 12, 2021. Learn more at

Podcast: Foundational movement to create GEIN

This week, Ben Grove (Virginia Tech University) was interviewed by eXtension Foundation to learn more about the creation of the GEIN and the participation of the the GEIN team during the Impact Collaborative Summit. Learn more about what Ben had to say as we continue to seek out colleagues wishing to be a part of the network. The podcast can be listened to at the link below.

Virtual International Opportunities

In April 2020, Purdue University’s International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA) and Purdue Cooperative Extension announced the USAID John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program to be implemented by Purdue University in Trinidad and Tobago over the next three years. A United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program, F2F provides technical assistance from U.S. volunteers to farmers, farm groups, agribusinesses, and other agriculture sector...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
