Dear Friends,
Please join us on May 10th for our “Spotlight on Pakistan”, the 5th most populated country in world with over 215 million consumers and a GDP of $294 billion. Pakistan is also our 21st largest export market for agricultural products with cotton, soybeans, consumer products, pulses and wood products leading the way to $1.54 billion in exports last year. Post has prepared a great line-up of experts to inform us on the latest market and assistance opportunities available (see attached agenda). Please feel free to share this invitation with your members and colleagues.
Shukreeah (thanks in urdu) شکریہ
Julio Maldonado
10:00 a.m. (Eastern) Introductions - Julio Maldonado, FAS Customer Engagement Center
10:05 a.m. Opening and Welcome Remarks - Clay Hamilton, FAS Associate Administrator
10:10 a.m. Key U. S. Pakistan Agricultural Commercial Partnerships - Chris Rittgers, Agriculture Counselor, FAS/Islamabad
10:20 a.m. Pakistan's Ag Facts and USDA Technical Assistance Parnterships - Asmat Raza, Agriculture Specialist, FAS/Islamabad
10:30 a.m. Market Characteristics and Promotion Partnerships - Rashid Raja, Marketing Specialist, FAS/Islamabad
10:40 a.m. Pakistan Current Agriculture Situation - Dr. Babar Bajwa, Country Representative, CABI South Asia
10:50 a.m. Question and Answer - Julio Maldonado
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