USDA Foreign Agricultural Service is featuring Indonesia in the next in the series of Spotlight on.... Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world, with a population of approximately 273 million in 2021. Fifty-six percent of the population lives on Java Island, one of the most densely populated areas in the world. In 2021, Indonesiaβs GDP reached $1,185 billion and GDP per capita reached $4,341 (est.). Indonesia is a major producer of rubber, palm oil, coffee, and cocoa. In 2021, agricultural imports reached $24.4 billion ($7.6 billion of which was consumer-oriented products). In addition to consumer-oriented products, soybeans and wheat are the top imports. Post has prepared an excellent presentation for all of you and we will have time for Q&A. Please note the early start time, 8:00 am ET (It will be 7:00 pm in Jakarta), we look forward to you participation. The Agenda and the Teams link are below.
Join the meeting on Microsoft Teams.
- Opening Remarks
Brooke Jamison, FAS Associate Administrator - Overview & Changes
Rey Santella, Agricultural Counselor, FAS Jakarta - Policy & Perspective
Meylinah Sugiarti, Agricultural Specialist, FAS Jakarta - U.S. Cooperator Outlook
Ibnu Edy Wiyono, Country Director Indonesia, U.S. Soybean Export Council
- Q&A
Photos courtesy from Ifan Bima, Norbert Braun, Jason Cooper, Jamie Fenn, Afif Ramdhasuma, Anggit Rizkianto, Atik Sulianami
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