Worried about losing national traction on climate?
Come learn about your GREAT state and find the policies and incentives your Representatives Have made Happen for you and neighbors.
Join us February 19, 2pm EST
Learn how to explore 2 different platforms to identify your state policies and incentives to address climate issues in your community!
The goal of this 1 hour webinar is to connect local citizens with local mandates and incentives to empower local action.
Register here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Spaxw0ddQ72TOAXxGujf1A#/registration
Also Coming up:
- Mar 19, 2pm EST: Solar and Environmental Justice, register here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cM5Nvq2nREyUYdDoDegifA#/registration
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