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Tagged With "National Broadband Navigator"

Blog Post

Rural Library "Digital Navigator" Program in Oklahoma

Brian Whitacre ·
Oklahoma recently started a pilot program to put "digital navigators" in 5 rural libraries across the state. Here is some information on that effort, and how we hope to expand it. A write-up of what's happening in one location:
Blog Post

Is Your State Ready for the Incoming Broadband Funds?

Brian Whitacre ·
The federal government is pouring billions of dollars into expanding broadband internet access. But it’s at the state level where the financial rubber meets the fiber-optic road. History suggests some states are ahead of the game while others will have to play catch-up. Read more here:
Blog Post

Hiring a Digital Literacy and Skills Extension Agent

Kenneth Sherin ·
Randolph County, NC is recruiting NC’s First Digital Literacy and Skills Extension Agent The agent will provide opportunities and experiences for Randolph County residents to increase their knowledge and skills for using digital resources to help them earn, learn or be well. The agent is a subject matter resource for current and emerging digital technologies. This Agent will interact with the public through the delivery of skill-building programs and provide broadband access information and...
Blog Post

Will Farms Have Connectivity for Digital Ag Technology?

Kenneth Sherin ·
The technology used in agriculture is advancing at a rapid pace. Look no further than this article about the Top 10 Applications of Robotics in Agriculture and Farming . Many of the applications in this article will require broadband connectivity. As pressure mounts for farms to reduce input costs, increase productivity, and efficiency, technology will play an important role. Broadband connectivity or lack thereof on farms will impact productivity decisions into the future. NC State...

Joe Lear

Blog Post

Farm Structures and the FCC Broadband Map

Kenneth Sherin ·
Farmers/producers have the opportunity to impact broadband coverage in rural America far into the future. It is no secret the use of technology is growing in the agricultural industry through the use of digital ag applications. Farms need broadband connectivity as they meet the food and fiber needs of the world. By farmers/producers taking time to check and challenge the FCC Broadband Map as it relates to serviceable broadband locations, they can demonstrate the tremendous need for funding...
Blog Post

Why Broadband Matters to Farmers

Kenneth Sherin ·
The non-profit organization NC Broadband Matters asked Kenneth Sherin to present on the topic of “Why Broadband Matters to Farmers.” Sherin covers the use cases for ways broadband can make a difference on farms. Sherin’s slides and audio is available on the NC Broadband Matters website . The video of the presentation is available on the organization’s Vimeo site. NC Broadband Matters has recently invited Kenneth Sherin to be a board member to bring a farm and rural focus to their work.
Blog Post

Get to know the National Broadband Navigator instrument - Join us on 9/24!

Kristen Devlin ·
Join us on September 24th for a webinar introducing the BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment) Broadband Navigator, an innovative, public spatial-analysis tool designed to help community leaders plan broadband projects in areas currently underserved by high-speed internet.
Blog Post

Telehealth: An Important Piece of the Digital Equity Puzzle

Brian Whitacre ·
Most states are now working to award their BEAD infrastructure allocations , with $42.5 billion spread across all states and territories to (hopefully) address the supply side of the “digital divide” once and for all. Once the BEAD awards are complete, states will most likely proceed with their Digital Equity Capacity grants . While this program is significantly smaller ($811 million ), it is arguably more important for longer-term economic outcomes, with research suggesting that broadband...
Blog Post

Digital Skills Training for Newly Resettled Refugees

Kathryn E Leach ·
Navigating resources in a digital world is imperative for refugee families settling in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, the United States has authorized admission of up to 125,000 refugees in 2024. Over 3.2 million refugees have made the USA their home since the passing of the Refugee Act in 1980. American society heavily relies on technology. According to the Pew Research Center 2024 Internet, Broadband Factsheet ,...
Blog Post

Digital Healthcare Adoption Among Rural Older Adults

Zuzana Bednarik (Guest) ·
Digital interaction has become an essential tool for people in rural communities, helping them overcome geographical barriers and access crucial services. Online platforms enable rural residents to connect with healthcare providers through telemedicine, access educational resources, and participate in e-governance initiatives, reducing the need for long-distance travel (Warren, 2007; Correa & Pavez, 2016). Data from the NCR-Stat: Baseline Survey 2024 developed by the North Central...
Blog Post

A Community Comes Together to Provide a Rural Telehealth Access Point—Increasing Digital Access to Healthcare

Kathryn E Leach ·
Rural Americans can face driving one or more hours for medical care. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicates that telehealth—embedded in culturally appropriate practice—is effective at treating and managing health conditions ranging from depression to hypertension. For rural communities lacking reliable access to broadband internet, Telehealth Access Points (TAP) fill a need not otherwise met. Extension professionals can play an important role in...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
