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NeVC: Social Media: Whose Reputation Is at Stake?

Social Media: Whose Reputation Is at Stake? Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other social media outlets have made it easy for us to write any time and nearly anywhere, but whose reputation is on the line when we write? In recent days different incidents have brought to light the issue of personal vs professional identities online. Amber Naslund recently blogged These Opinions are My Own, a posting spured in part by an incident involving a NY grocery store. The head of the Colorado Animal Protection Bureau has been in the news for recent tweets that he says have been misinterpreted. And Facebook is offering new features that allow more selective sharing. Our conversation, suitable for anyone who interacts with others using social media, will focus on personal and professional online identity. Is it important, or even possible, to have personal online identities that are separate from our professional ones? Does one affect the other? Join us to explore these and related questions with participants. [Virginia Morgan, Auburn University; Jennifer Jahedkar Chilek, Texas AgriLife Extension]


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