The 21st century is a time of change for Extension organizations; a time when more than ever, success depends on the knowledge and capabilities of employees. In this changing environment, authors in human resource management and specifically Extension organizations recommend competencies as a powerful tool that can provide focus on individual behaviors that contribute the most to organizational success. Through a presentation and interactive discussion participants will: (1) review key concepts related to competencies and how competencies can be used in selection, orientation, professional development, and other HR practices; (2) learn about methodologies used and results from recent research in the Cooperative Extension System; and (3) have an opportunity to discuss implications from the research and applications for their Extension work.
This is the initial web conference for the 2010 North Central Regional Center for Rural Development Speakers Series. The series focuses on ways that Extension systems can engage and collaborate better using new organizational systems and tools. To help achieve this goal we will sponsor a series of web-based sessions on topics related to working differently.

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