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Technology in Extension Education

The Technology in Extension Education (TEE) subgroup is open to all Cooperative Extension and affiliated professionals. Content focuses on the use of technology in Extension work. TEE is supported by the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA.

All Tags

social media 24
resources 17
social cafe 15
Webinar 13
twitter 12
facebook 10
Hootsuite Blog 9
Accessibility 7
Pew Research 7
AI 6
ChatGPT 6
eFieldbook 6
rose hayden-smith 6
Artificial Intelligence 5
Instagram Stories 5
YouTube 5
Google 4
Survey 4
virtual chat 4
Article 3
Cal Naturalist 3
covid19 3
data 3
Facebook Live 3
Photos 3
scicomm 3
The Joy of Search 3
Americans 2
Connect Extension 2
Design 2
Digital Communications 2
Dr. Dan Russell 2
Engagement 2
equity 2
GoodRead 2
Growing the Valley 2
information 2
Journal of Extension 2
Learning Resources 2
Luke Milliron 2
New Feature 2
Oregon State University 2
Phoebe Gordon 2
stories 2
Tech Radar 2
time 2
Twitter Threads 2
University of California ANR 2
Website 2
writing tips 2
#cybersecurity 1
#pandemic #stress #Dr. Radunovich 1
#trolls 1
2021 trends 1
Aaron Weibe 1
adaptive technology 1
Advertising 1
AI legalities 1
AI prompts 1
analytics 1
Atomic Habits 1
audio 1
bandwidth 1
best practices 1
Blogging Basics 1
Book Review 1
Broadband 1
Building Resilience 1
California 1
chrome 1
citizen science 1
Collaboration 1
Connect Extension Calendar 1
Consumer Education 1
Creating Engaging Webinars 1
crowdsourcing 1
Data Transfer Project 1
David Gerwitz 1
decision-making 1
Digital Advertising 1
Digital Comms 1
Digital Engagement Strategy 1
digital strategy 1
Dr. Heidi Radunovich 1
Dropbox 1
Essential 1
Ethan Mollick 1
experiences 1
Extension Responses 1
Facebook Groups 1
Facebook Units 1
Family 1
Featured Technologies 1
Flesch-Kincaid 1
FoodiesFeed 1
Free 1
future 1
social media 24
instagram 20
resources 17
technology 16
social cafe 15
eXtension 13
Webinar 13
linkedin 12
twitter 12
Cooperative Extension 11
facebook 10
zoom 10
Hootsuite Blog 9
Hootsuite 8
Accessibility 7
covid-19 7
Pew Research 7
video 7
AI 6
blogging 6
ChatGPT 6
eFieldbook 6
podcasts 6
rose hayden-smith 6
Tips 6
Artificial Intelligence 5
Digital Technology 5
Instagram Stories 5
Recordings 5
YouTube 5
content 4
Google 4
Stress 4
Survey 4
Virtual 4
virtual chat 4
#scicomm 3
Agriculture 3
Article 3
Belay 3
Cal Naturalist 3
community 3
covid19 3
Dan Russell 3
data 3
Extension Foundation 3
Facebook Live 3
Internet 3
Photos 3
Research 3
scicomm 3
Teaching 3
The Joy of Search 3
Americans 2
Brook Gamble 2
Connect Extension 2
Coronavirus 2
Design 2
Digital 2
Digital Communications 2
diversity 2
Dr. Dan Russell 2
Education 2
Engagement 2
Engaging the Public 2
equity 2
Feature 2
GoodRead 2
Google Photos 2
Growing the Valley 2
hashtags 2
information 2
Journal of Extension 2
Learn 2
Learning Resources 2
Livestream 2
Luke Milliron 2
Mark Locklear 2
New Feature 2
nexus4change 2
Oregon State University 2
Pew Research Center 2
Phoebe Gordon 2
Photo sourcing 2
remote work 2
stories 2
strategy 2
Tech Radar 2
TikTok 2
time 2
Tweet 2
Twitter Threads 2
University of California ANR 2
Unsplash 2
Website 2
work from home 2
writing tips 2
#chat #AMA 1
#cybersecurity 1
#GoodReads 1
#pandemic #stress #Dr. Radunovich 1
#read 1
#trolls 1
10 tips 1
2021 trends 1
4-H 1
Aaron Weibe 1
Accessibility Quick Cards 1
adaptive technology 1
Advanced Topics 1
Advertising 1
Aging 1
AI legalities 1
ai news 1
AI prompts 1
Alison Holman 1
analytics 1
app 1
Atomic Habits 1
Atoms 1
audio 1
Back to Basics 1
bandwidth 1
Bard 1
best practices 1
blog post 1
Blogging Basics 1
Book Club 1
Book Review 1
Brian raison 1
Broadband 1
Buffer 1
Building Resilience 1
Business Insider 1
California 1
Chat 1
chrome 1
Chronicle of Higher Education 1
citizen science 1
Civic Engagement 1
Collaboration 1
conferences 1
Connect Extension Calendar 1
Connect Extension Virtual Chat 1
Consumer Education 1
content strategy 1
Creating Engaging Webinars 1
crisis communications 1
crowdsourcing 1
Curation 1
Data Transfer Project 1
Dave Campbell 1
David Gerwitz 1
David Warren 1
decision-making 1
Delaware Extension 1
Digital Advertising 1
Digital and Online Knowledge Quiz 1
Digital Comms 1
digital ecosystem 1
Digital Engagement Strategy 1
digital knowledge 1
digital strategy 1
Disability 1
Dr. Heidi Radunovich 1
Dr. Radunovich 1
Dropbox 1
Ed Tech 1
epidemic 1
Essential 1
EssentialRead 1
Ethan Mollick 1
experiences 1
Extension Education 1
Extension Responses 1
Facebook and Instagram 1
Facebook Groups 1
Facebook Rooms 1
Facebook Units 1
FaceTime 1
Family 1
fatigue 1
Featured Technologies 1
Fellowship 1
Flesch-Kincaid 1
Food Labeling 1
FoodiesFeed 1
Forbes 1
Free 1
free photos 1
future 1
Gail Langellotto 1

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
