Tagged With "professional development"
Blog Post
Dairy Nutritionist and Hoof Trimming Expert Opportunities in Sri Lanka
International Executive Service Corps (IESC) is looking for two specialists for a USDA-funded Market-Oriented Dairy project that strengthens the nascent dairy industry in Sri Lanka by training farmers on dairy farming best practices, developing input suppliers, and facilitating investment in the dairy sector. IESC is looking for a dairy expert in hoof trimming and dairy farm management to provide technical assistance and training to a large dairy farm in Sri Lanka. IESC is also looking for...
Blog Post
GEIN Council Charter
The Globalizing Extension Innovation Network emerged in 2020. As the Network continues to grow the GEIN Council Charter was recently accepted as the guiding principles upon which the Network will operate. The Council will function with 20 active members with annual volunteer nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. Learn more by reading the Charter. If you are interested in joining the Council, please contact the current Chair, Ben Grove (begrove@vt.edu) or Vice Chair, John Vreyens...
Re: Extension's Global Reach: CES Cultural connections and international experience
All the bests for giving out this fabulous blog. I actually praise all of your efforts that you have definitely made to develop this message. 메이저사이트
Blog Post
GEIN's Professional Development Session at AIAEE 2023
The Association for International Agricultural Extension Education (AIAEE) just released their Call for Professional Development Proposals for next year's annual Conference, to be held in Orlando, Florida. The theme of the 2024 Conference is " Looking back, Focusing forward ," and given the domestic location, attendance is expected to be high. This past April, AIAEE held their 2023 Conference in Guelph, Canada, hosted by the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, in the...
Re: Dairy Nutritionist and Hoof Trimming Expert Opportunities in Sri Lanka
Thank you for sharing the opportunity from the International Executive Service Corps (IESC). It seems that IESC is seeking specialists for a USDA-funded project focused on strengthening the dairy industry in Sri Lanka. The project aims to provide training, develop input suppliers, and facilitate investments in the dairy sector. basket random
Re: GEIN's Professional Development Session at AIAEE 2023
Professional development sessions are a great way to grow! Just like learning new skills, understanding how long it takes to write a book varies it can take months or even years, depending on the process. Keep striving for success!