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Helping Military Families Create Systems of Social Support

**CEU's are UNAVAILABLE for Archived Viewing**

The Family Development concentration of eXtension's Military Families Learning Network invites you to participate in an important 60-minute webinar focused on working with military families.

Information about CEUs:

This event does not provide continuing education credits. However, you can find a list of upcoming and archived webinars that offer NASW Continuing Education Credits here.

Dennis K. Orthner, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Social Work
Associate Director, Jordan Institute for Families

January 25, 2012
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (EST)

Dennis Orthner has extensive experience consulting with military policymakers, researchers, and practitioners across a range of mental health and social service issues. In November 2011, Dr. Orthner received the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) President's Award.

Dr. Orthner plays a key role in the Essential Life Skills for Military Families, a collaborative effort between East Carolina University, NC State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

â€Ē A 60-minute web conference on helping military families develop/strengthen social support systems
â€Ē Learn about primary research related to family strengths and specific strategies to help military families promote family well-being
â€Ē Share your experiences and ideas through this interactive session
â€Ē For more information about the Essential Life Skills for Military Families, see:

No registration is needed. To attend link to a few minutes before the start time, 11:00 a.m. (EST). Log in as a guest, using your name if you wish. Participants will use computer speakers for audio and interact through the chat box.

To get the most out of the web conference, these readings are suggested:
Orthner, D. & Rose, R. (2009). Work separation demands and spouse psychological well-being Family Relations, 58, 392-403.
Huebner, A., Mancini, J., Bowen, G. & Orthner, D. (2009). Shadowed by war: Building community capacity to support military families. Family Relations, 58, 216-228.

The presentation can be found:

This presentation is not endorsed by the Department of Defense and the information, as well as any opinions or views, contained herein are solely that of the presenter.


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