Tagged With "basic investing"
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Organizations Partner to Combat the Digital Divide by Launching Searchable Wi-Fi Map for Needed Broadband Connections
American Connection Project organizations launch an interactive tool for users to locate more than 2,300 free Wi-Fi locations in 49 states ARDEN HILLS, MINN. (October 20, 2020) – Several partner organizations today announced the launch of the American Connection Project (ACP) interactive Wi-Fi map. The map provides a free resource to help the public locate more than 2,300 free Wi-Fi locations across 49 U.S. states. The map includes Wi-Fi locations from Land O’Lakes, Inc. and its ag retail...
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6 Thoughts
We always show up for what we believe in. Life is a journey & we're always on the way. Are you headed in the direction you want? In reflection... Are you showing up for others in line with your values? Are you worrying about things you can't change but aren't willing to put effort into changing them? Are you caring, collaborating, coaching? What behaviors do you tolerate? We all get what we tolerate. Who have you helped recently? 6 Thoughts from Marshall Goldsmith 1. How smart or right...
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Good Soil!
The people we surround ourselves with are more valuable than words can often express. Recently, an old friend popped into my mind so I reached out to catch up. He was amazing, generous & supportive as always. We spoke about many things but the most prevalent & surprising was workplace culture. He spent some 27 years in the newspaper business only to be unceremoniously let go in the name of “progress”. Their loss was another’s gain. His one-of-a-kind voice & magnetic temperament...
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Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash.com Eric Dunker, Associate for Business Strategies, Associate Vice President and Dean: Business, Technology, and Workforce Partnerships, Arapahoe Community College As our society becomes more diverse, businesses and communities have moral and economic reasons to create systems with talent equity outcomes across the educational and labor market continuum. Higher education is rightly focused on educational equity, but this pandemic has demonstrated large...
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Mission, Vision, Priorities!
An Abraham Lincoln quote comes to mind, who I thought you might like to have quoted at this point.. 😉 “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew .” Annual Message to Congress-Concluding Remarks, December 1, 1862 Developing our Mission, Vision, Priorities helps us rise with the challenges in front of us. They help us lean into, even...
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Contrary with what many think, Latino/x population in the US is not a monolith, far from fitting the one-size-fits-all formula, the 60 million Americans of Latino/Hispanic origin represent over 20 Latin American countries, and a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, geographic locations, histories, political affiliations. Visit this virtual chat archive to learn what extension professionals across the country have been doing to be successful in reaching the Latino/x...
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Human Behavior & the Spread of Livestock Diseases
By Scott Merrill and Eric Clark, University of Vermont The Social Ecological Gaming and Simulation (SEGS) Lab is a multidisciplinary research lab designed to examine pressing problems in the interacting domains of natural ecology and human society. We work on problems ranging from water quality and energy, to looking at how Covid-19 related social distancing behavior changes in different environments – from the grocery store to the park. We also are engaged in trying to understand the...
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Resilience in action...
Resilience is defined as: " the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. " Our resilience has been challenged big time over the course of this pandemic. How have you done? What have you done that worked? Honestly, it's been hard at times for our family. It's in what we did to get through together that matters. Chances are some of these are on your list! They celebrate other people's success They accept full responsibility for their past behavior They invest their energy in...
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Headed for an energy crisis?
It's just another day in 2007. Stopped to take a few minutes to read a short article. It's my daily "leadership" lesson time. Only this time it really shook me up. Really challenged my thoughts on a concept I thought I had a handle on. Time management. Tony Schwartz & Catherine McCarthy had really made an impact on me! Manage your energy NOT your time ! What? Think about it...time is a finite resource. Energy is renewable. Want to see where you are with your energy? Here's their quiz!
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A Conversation with Dr. Scott Reed, Extension Foundation Catalyst
Scott Reed is an emeritus of Oregon State University (OSU), where he served in various College of Forestry roles. He was a professor, executive associate dean, Extension program leader, and Dean and Director of OSU’s Extension Service. Scott served as the OSU’s Vice Provost for University Outreach and Engagement. He pioneered the innovative Open Campus, linking educational resources to advance college and career readiness, degree completion, and community development. Scott holds BS and MS...
Blog Post
Are you ready?
Life isn’t happening to you it’s happening for you. Are you ready to lean into all the opportunities life brings? When was the last day you felt at your best? What does it mean to be ready ? When you're ready you feel prepared. You feel rested. To be the best we can be, it takes caring for our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional states. Taking care of what it means to be human. When we fail to prepare we're preparing to fail. To be the best we can be means helping others be the best...
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Top 10 Heavy Hitters
The entire culture of our organizations can be summed up in this statement; what is rewarded is repeated . For your consideration (during MLB playoff time!)...here's a list of some heavy hitters to encourage & support with your leadership behavior! 1. Earn people's trust ; provide evidence every day of how you are trustworthy 2. Understand everyone has a life; work & life aren't separate, work is a part of a meaningful life 3. Listen , then act; diverse viewpoints are healthier, more...
Blog Post
New Health Framework is a Roadmap for Cooperative Extension
Cooperative Extension's National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being is designed to serve as a roadmap for advancing the health-focused work of the Cooperative Extension System. The updated framework was approved by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) in July of 2021. The framework document resulted from more than a year of work by a work group of the Health Innovation Task Force of ECOP. This framework is organized around three core themes. These are health...
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Brandy Phipps, Ph.D., Central State University Assistant Professor and Project Leader for a recent historic $10 Million grant, joined notable leaders such as Senators Cory Booker and John Cornyn to discuss the need to invest in Sustainable Nutrition Science! WILBERFORCE, OH –Our Health, Our Planet, Our Future: The Urgent Need to Invest in Sustainable Nutrition Science congressional briefing, hosted by the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy and the Union of Concerned...
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A Philosophy for Working on Wicked Problems
A wicked problem is a term used in policy analysis to describe an environmental situation where no matter what policy actions are taken there are still going to be unacceptable losses. Examples of wicked problems can be found in climate change, endangered species, invasive species and environmental justice issues. In order to deal with the psychological stress of threat and uncertainty associated with wicked problems many people are tempted to take a strong position, such as moral outrage.
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Prescribed Fire Basics: A New Training Series from OSU Extension
Prescribed fire is a critical and effective method to help mitigate the risk of wildfires, but there are significant barriers to using this method responsibly. A lack of personnel with the knowledge and operational skills to implement prescribed fires contributes to these barriers as many states do not provide the much-needed education and training on prescribed fires to the public. Oregon State Extension's Fire team is on a mission to meet this crucial need by providing accessible education...
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Connecting Communities in Asset-based Community Recovery
Learn about the community-building opportunities that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic and how you can start building the foundation for community recovery for the future.
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Seaweed is on the Menu with Connecticut’s Sugar Kelp Industry
A team from UConn is using innovative research and community outreach to help make this novel food more accessible for consumers and more profitable for producers. When you crave something tasty, seaweed may not be the first thing that springs to mind. But UConn researchers and extension educators want to change that. A team from UConn Extension within the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources , and Connecticut Sea Grant are using innovative research and community outreach to...
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Resources from AI Basics for Extension!
In this special session for Extension Professionals, we delved into the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential applications in Extension work. It was a valuable opportunity to explore AI's potential with our colleagues and the information caters to individuals at all levels of familiarity with AI. During the webinar, we discussed what AI is and how it works, examples of how AI can be used in Extension, and provided guidance on creating effective prompts. There was also...
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Future You
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present." -Bill Keane Ok, a little bit of a cheesy way to start. Seriously though, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Our challenge is to make the most out of every day because each one is an opportunity to move closer to the person we want to be. The journey is the destination. Here's a big thing that gets in the way... Damaging Self Talk When we describe ourselves (to ourselves and others) in...
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Smart Uses for 2022 Tax Year Refunds
Below are five smart uses for tax refunds for Extension professionals: Debt Repayment- There is probably no better “investment” than repaying consumer debt (e.g., outstanding credit card bills). Paying off an 18% credit card is equivalent to earning a 20.5% return for taxpayers in the 12% tax bracket
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Funding Opportunities Now Featured in the Connect Extension Weekly Digest
Extension Professionals! If you weren't aware, the Extension Foundation has a weekly newsletter to help you stay informed about the happenings within Cooperative Extension. In the Connect Extension digest, you receive a round-up of upcoming events, professional development opportunities, job postings, and more. We provide useful resources to you weekly which now includes a section on federal funding opportunities available for the Extension system, updated regularly with new grants! You can...
Blog Post
Ten Tips for Military Families to Survive a “Financial Tornado”
U.S. consumers haven’t just experienced a “perfect storm” of financial challenges…they have experienced a “perfect tornado!” Challenging financial events include sustained high inflation (and increased costs for food, utilities, rent, gas, insurance, housing, etc.), recession fears, increased interest rates, bank failures and government bank take-overs, volatile stock prices, lower savings rates, and increasing household debt. Extension professionals routinely answer questions from clients...
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How to be a leadership "boss"
My first real job where there was a paycheck was at 13 years old at a local pizza joint. It was "the" pizza joint in town run by a graduate of the college where my parents both taught. This meant it was okay to work there as they trusted him. Most of the kids in Branson, MO worked over the summer because it was (and still is) a huge tourist destination. Despite being busy with camps and sports we found a few hours to earn a little money each summer. If you could do it someplace that taught...
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Available Grant Opportunities for Cooperative Extension!
Each week, the Extension Foundation newsletter dedicates a section to highlight the latest federal grant opportunities available for the Cooperative Extension system. In this blog post, we're excited to share with you a compilation of the most recent funding prospects featured in our newsletter. Cooperative Extension professionals who want to stay informed about these valuable opportunities can easily do so by subscribing to our weekly Connect Digest. You can subscribe to the Newsletter here...
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Invest in Yourself During Health Literacy Month
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Health People 2030 defines health literacy as: the degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others. Nutrition.gov and the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) make it easy to find nutrition information to empower you to make well-informed decisions regarding your health. Find resources for every level of health...
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Extension Foundation Releases New NTAE Titles
The Extension Foundation has added five new titles to its publications library. The brief publications - written as magazine-style feature stories - share project work funded through the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program , a cooperative agreement between USDA NIFA, Oklahoma State University, and the Extension Foundation. NATE's goal is to incubate, accelerate, and expand promising work that will increase the impact of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) in the communities...
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//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #1: 6 Conversations for Early Career Growth
Imagine a point in the future where you have achieved your greatest professional goal. Invest a moment here. Try to visualize your career success—you are at the top of your game. Imagine you’ve worked hard and have earned this. Now consider this question: How might that success feel? I think most people will have some level of contentment or satisfaction. Others may feel a bit of pride in the accomplishment. Some may begin to ponder, “What’s next?” Those responses are all normal and valid.
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Family Resource Management Extends Beyond Finances
While financial literacy is paramount, families also should look for ways to manage their collective resources. These range from: time and energy, to personal belongings and the spaces in our homes, to relationships. By managing our resources wisely, we are inadvertently managing our stress levels and mental health.
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Time vs. Energy: Which will you manage? [3rd of 8]
Are you any good at managing your time? Some of you may think, “I'm not bad at it.” But most, like me, are no good at all. So here's the question. What if you worked on managing your energy instead of managing your time? Time is finite. But energy can appear seemingly out of nowhere. In truth, energy has four sources: the body, our emotions, our minds, and our spirit. Tony Schwartz, founder of the Energy Project, says we can learn to harness these dimensions, creating our own energy. Tony...
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Request for Applications & Application Guide: Advancing Disaster Education in America
ELIGIBILITY: Applications must be submitted by Extension professionals employed by land-grant or sea-grant universities that are members of the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN). At least one individual on any proposed project must be an EDEN delegate or Point of Contact. AWARD AMOUNT: For (2024-2025), up to six $25,000 grants are available. TIMELINE: Application Open: September 3, 2024 Application Deadline: 11:59 pm Pacific on Friday, November 1, 2024 Award Notification: December,...