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EXCITE Discussion Board

Use this discussion board to collaborate, offer suggestions, and ask questions to your fellow EXCITE Implementation Phase team members. If you wish to post an item to the discussion board, click Post and then Topic. You can comment on any topic on the discussion board by clicking on the topic and filling out the text box that appears.

Determining impact

A discussion that was held with some of my teams recently revolved around if there were ways in which to determine impact. Basically, if any teams have come up with a way in which to measure whether the work that they are doing is actually resulting in people following through on receiving their needed vaccines.

For some events, this is simple as vaccines are offered onsite and in conjunction. For other events, this correlation is not as simple to determine. There was discussion about adding a check box to the vaccine intake form but this was not always an easy change to make or track.

One team shared the concept of "a sticker chart" system, where participants could quickly and easily place a sticker onto a poster board on the way out of the room to indicate their answer to a question like "if they planned to follow through and receive a vaccine or not". It could also be used for a question such as "what prompted you to attend the event today". 

Do any other teams have suggestions or ideas of ways in which to determine or track impact of the efforts short of attendance numbers and messaging reach?

Original Post

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